Teachers in Transition
"Teachers in Transition" offers advice, counsel, and information about teacher burnout, stress, and management strategies for teachers (or anyone feeling stressed and overwhelmed) along with career advice for those who want to leave the teaching profession. After leaving education, Vanessa Jackson worked in the IT staffing industry helping place candidates into jobs. Now she specializes in working with burnt-out teachers as a compassionate Career Transition and Job Search Coach. In addition to helping with career transition and job search strategies, Vanessa also holds certifications in nutrition coaching and personal training., and is almost finished with a certification in Sleep, Stress, and Recovery. Learn more about about Vanessa at https://teachersintransition.com. #careersforteachers #teachersintransition #careerchange #jobsearchforteachers #jobsearch #jobhuntingtips #careertransition
Teachers in Transition
Teachers in Transition - Episode 175 - Announcing my Retirement for 2023 and Happy Thanksgiving
In this episode, Kitty announces her intention to retire her business and coaching practice in 2023. And she wishes listeners a Happy Thanksgiving.
Are you a teacher who's feeling stressed out and overwhelmed? Do you worry that you're feeling symptoms of burnout? Or are you sure you've already gotten there? Have you started a dream of doing some other kind of job or perhaps pursuing a whole different career, but you don't know what else you're even qualified to do? You don't know how to start a job search. You just feel stuck. If that sounds like you, I promise you're not alone. My name is Kitty Boyt, not. I'm a career transition and job search coach, and I specialize in helping burnout teachers just like you deal, not only with the stress and overwhelm of your day to day job, but to consider what other careers might be out there waiting for you. Join me for teachers in transition. In some episodes, I'll be speaking to stress management techniques and how you can manage your stress on a day to day basis. In other episodes, I'll be talking about career transition. What tools do you need to be successful in a job search when you're moving from one career into a totally different track? These are questions that you need answers to, and I can help you find those answers. My name is Kitty Boyn. Welcome to Teachers in Transition. Welcome back to another episode of Teachers in Transition, the podcast in the YouTube channel. If you are listening on the day that this podcast drops, you are celebrating your Thanksgiving holiday with me, and I am grateful for that. In fact, when I think about how grateful I am for anyone who listens to this podcast, words don't even express how tickled I am when someone tells me they've been listening to my podcast. So thank you. If you are one of my listeners, happy Thanksgiving. It's hard to believe we're looking down the barrel of another holiday season, but here we are and I have a big announcement to make. I'm not going to speak to either stress management or career transition. Specifically today, I am announcing my impending retirement for real. I retired from education back in 2012, and I started my business in April of 2013. So it feels appropriate somehow to be planning to wind up my business, to put it to bed and put it to rest and to take some time for myself, for rest, and a true retirement in 2023 on the 10th anniversary of my starting my business. What that means for you, if you're listening to this podcast and you've ever thought about wanting to work with me, is that you better get busy. Uh, I will be starting another coaching cohort in January. If you have talked to me recently, you heard me say that, and I will stick to that. I don't plan to leave anyone in the lurch. If you're a current client, you are good to go. I will stick with you until you've made the transition that you want and deserve. I will continue to coach the clients I already have by the end of the year, but I won't be actively recruiting new clients in 2023, I plan to probably put the podcast to bed at the beginning of the year. I will be slowing down in my newsletter and, and, uh, weekly content production with my newsletter that I send out each week, and I will simply start taking more time for myself and less time spent on the business. So if you've been on the fence about wanting to work with me and wanting to make a career transition and you'd like 20 22, 23 to be your last year of teaching, now is the time to get busy that you start with making a discovery session appointment@teachersintransition.com slash calendar. That's how we get started so that I can explain to you the benefits of the programs that I offer, and then you can decide which program is the right fit for you and what you can afford and how much time you want to spend with me as your coach and counselor through your transition. And then we'll get started and make your transition a reality before the end of next year. Um, so I don't wanna leave anybody in the lurch. I don't wanna catch anybody by surprise, and I decided that now is a good time to be making this announcement. I've been thinking about it for a while now. I've been sort of praying over it, pondering when's a good time to step away. I don't, like I said, I don't wanna leave anybody in the lurch and I will continue to pay for the platform so that anybody who's currently using it or has a username and password will be able to continue promise the people who purchased the program that they would have lifetime access. It'll be for my lifetime. I will continue to have the platform active so that you can log in anytime day or night as long as you want for forever, for until I, until I expire, not just retired. So that's my big announcement along with happy Thanksgiving. Hope you have a wonderful day with friends and family. I'm looking forward to getting together with my family. We're a small but mighty little group. It's just my sister and me and her significant other and my significant other. But we are looking forward to having a happy holiday celebration together and, um, getting ready for the holidays. I'll be putting my Christmas tree up on Friday and getting things cleaned up around here on weekend. So have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful holiday, and, uh, if you have any questions about what you can do to get started in your career transition before I retire my program the first of the year, please just email me at Kitty Boy night@boytnightcoaching.com. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have or to set up a discovery session for you. That's it for today, so have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you again next week. Bye for now. So there you have it, an episode of Teachers in Transition. I hope you enjoyed the information and I hope you'll plan to come back. Please subscribe to Teachers in Transition so that you can be alerted of future episodes and let me know if you have any questions or topics that you would like me to specifically cover in a future episode. I'm more than happy to help with individual questions as well. So email me at kitty boyt knot, boyt knot coaching.com. If you are interested in finding a new career or just enjoying your life more, this is the place to start. I'm Kitty Boyt not, and this is Teachers in Transition.