Teachers in Transition
"Teachers in Transition" offers advice, counsel, and information about teacher burnout, stress, and management strategies for teachers (or anyone feeling stressed and overwhelmed) along with career advice for those who want to leave the teaching profession. After leaving education, Vanessa Jackson worked in the IT staffing industry helping place candidates into jobs. Now she specializes in working with burnt-out teachers as a compassionate Career Transition and Job Search Coach. In addition to helping with career transition and job search strategies, Vanessa also holds certifications in nutrition coaching and personal training., and is almost finished with a certification in Sleep, Stress, and Recovery. Learn more about about Vanessa at https://teachersintransition.com. #careersforteachers #teachersintransition #careerchange #jobsearchforteachers #jobsearch #jobhuntingtips #careertransition
Teachers in Transition
Teachers in Transition - Episode 177: Learn a Little More about Vanessa
In this episode, we get a little peek as Teachers in Transition goes through its own transition. Vanessa talks a little more about how she came to be your host as she started as a teacher, worked in corporate America, and now helps teachers reach their goals. If you like the podcast, please share it with a friend. We always welcome your feedback! Please drop an email at TeachersInTransitionCoaching@gmail.com, or leave a message at 512-640-9099.
Look for new episodes to drop every week to help combat the Sunday Scaries!